
QMC2, a graphical user interface for mame

Are you tired of impractical and ugly interfaces for your mame executable?
Now I want to introduce qmc2, a nice graphical frontend for MAME/MESS.
link: official website
platforms: windows, GNU/Linux, MacOS X, FreeBSD.

note: I use qmc2 only with MAME, so this test is useful only for MAME users.

This frontend is very easy to use and can be a valid MAMEUI replacement, since it can support icons, flyers, cabinets,snaps and pcb images as well as various .dat and .ini files (such as history.dat, mameinfo.dat).
Compared to similar programs I tried (like Gelide and Gmameui), this is the one that is more integrated with mame. First of all: auditing the roms is faster than Gelide and gmameui, and qmc2 can handle xml game list generated from mame executable very well, compared again with gelide and gmameui.
 This is the interface and the most important parts:
  1. Game list and filters: Here you can select your complete list of games, favorite game list and custom search. Green games are fully complete and working, Yellow games have some rom bad dumps but can be played as well, red games have bad crc and dump roms and most of them will not run. Gray games are not present. This list is generated from mame executable listxml parameter.
  2. Goodies, informations and game options: there you can see a lot of stuff regarding actually selected game in game list. It's very close to MAMEUI's counterpart: you can see flyers, snapshots,titles, history and cabinets, plus pcb snaps and emulator info regarding various milestones on that particular game. In addiction to that, you can select game specific options directly from there.
  3. Utilities: you have access on emulator log information and frontend log information. This part can be useful when trying to identify a bug/problem with you frontend or emulator,or control a specific emulator using "emulator control" tab, but there are other utilities I can find no use. Mp3 player and downloads are pretty useless for me.
  4. Auditing tools: you can verify all of your roms/samples/icons/flyers and get them to the right state.
All right, this is a great application! (at least, is the only application that handles dat files well and can audit roms better than gmameui and gelide ones).
A particular option that you can find is "embedded emulator", that starts the game you select inside the game list.
There is another useful utility named "ROMalyzer". This utility let you manage your romset and chds, allowing set rebuild and chd verification/fix. You can set your preferred application to manage your chd.

If you have a MAMEcab and you want to use this application there's a nice demo mode, that starts and stops games (chosen randomly) for a specified amount of time. Is nice when you're running your MAMEcab for demonstrative porpuses.

Bugs: When in full screen I can't restore it to window.

This is the third MAME gui I try, and it's the one that fits better my needs. I suppose that MESS variant is nice as MAME's one. I will try MESS variant soon.
QMC2 is a-must-have if you want all comforts of MAMEUI on linux using original MAME.

A game running in Embedded emulator mode with history on the right side
A game with flyer

    1 comment:

    1. I hate to post to a review that was done months ago, but I have to say, that while I liked the way QMC2 integrated all the extras, for the life of me, I could not get sound to work, tho it worked fine in mame without a front end.

      GMameUI is buggy too--Almost none of the buttons for setting paths to support files work. But I managed to figure out how to edit gmameui.ini so I have the graphics that are supported--AND sound.

      I'd go back to QMC2 if I could fix the sound problem.


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