
How to update MAME stable source with unstable updates

Hello there!
Have you some trouble patching mame's source to unstable releases on GNU/Linux? No problem, I can solve this!
First, you need some stuff (click to download):
current mame stable source;
patches for current mame stable release;
ending script (click on endings.zip file);

Assuming you have all stuff to compile mame now we can start.
Place ending script and patches in mame source directory (where makefile is) and open a terminal. Then type the following code:
$ cd mamesource
$ ./endingscript

Once you have finished you can patch your mame code:
Note that you must patch your source sequentially. I mean that if we are going to apply a u2 patch, you must have the source patched with u1. And so on. 

$ patch -p0 <patchux.diff

If you have an already patched source (i.e. mame 0.142 patched with u1 and u2 and want to apply u3 patch), you must only type make clean and then apply the patch with the method described above.
Compiling mame: Read this

More information:
How to compile SDLmame (things needed)
How to build mame 0.137 or later (with patches)


  1. thanks so much for this information. I was wondering why i couldnt patch the source. What exactly is the endings script doing?
    Also Is there a way to compile a windows binary from Linux?

  2. The endings file will set up your patch file, so you can apply the patch without errors. Open the endings file in an editor and you can read what command is executed.
    If you want to compile a windows bin from linux you must set up a MinGW environment for windows binaries, or compile using a windows compiler with wine. Find more informations on google


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